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Fagsjef plan, areal og miljø - Regi

Fagsjef plan, areal og miljø - Regional utviklingsavdeling
Faggruppe for areal, plan og miljø inngår i Enhet for regional utvikling.

Vi søker etter en samfunnsengasjert og kunnskapsrik leder for faggruppen med interesse for utvikling av regionen, kommunene og egne medarbeidere. Stillingen er ledig fra 01.09.2015.

Faggruppe for areal, plan og miljø består av om lag 20 kompetente medarbeidere som håndterer et bredt spekter av utviklings- og forvaltningsoppgaver etter Plan- og bygningsloven, Kulturminneloven og Vannforskriften, herunder regional- og kommunal planlegging, kulturminner og samiske spørsmål, vannforvaltning, arealplanlegging, lokalsamfunnsutvikling, klima og miljø- og ressursforvaltning og kartsystemer (GIS). Faggruppen fungerer som rådgiver i ulike planspørsmål i et tett samarbeid med kommunene. Fagsjefen skal bidra til å utvikle fylkeskommunens arbeid innenfor dette brede feltet i tråd med politiske vedtak og styringsdokument.


Faglig lederansvar for områdene planlegging, arealspørsmål, klima- og miljøarbeid samt kulturminne
Bidra til at Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune tar en tydelig og samordnet rolle i arbeidet med regional utvikling. Motivere for og bidra til regional utvikling gjennom samarbeid og relasjonsbygging eksternt og internt
Oppfølging av politiske saker på plan/areal/miljø/kulturminnefeltet

Relevant høyere utdanning; jurist/samfunnsviter el.l.
Relevant ledererfaring fra kunnskapsorganisasjon; herunder økonomi og personalansvar
God kjennskap til relevant lovverk; blant annet plan- og bygningsloven og kulturminneloven
Erfaring med offentlig saksbehandling og politiske prosesser
Erfaring fra strategisk utviklingsarbeid, plan- og prosessledelse
IKT basiskunnskaper og forståelse for offentlige dokumentasjonskrav
Personlige egenskaper

God forståelse for politiske prosesser; samspill politikk-administrasjon-fag
Omgjengelig og inkluderende arbeidsform med evne til å kommunisere tydelig
Strategisk og analytisk
God evne til å samhandle, bygge relasjoner og utvikle nettverk
God evne til å fremme kreativitet og nyskapning
Vi tilbyr

Lønn etter avtale og gode forsikrings- og pensjonsordninger
Stor frihet og handlingsrom innen eget ansvarsområde
God lederstøtte fra interne tjenester i fylkesadministrasjonen
Ambisiøst og stimulerende arbeidsfellesskap i en kunnskapsorganisasjon med meningsfylte oppgaver
Mulighet til innflytelse på og bidra til samfunnsutviklingen i et spennende og utviklingsorientert fylke
Andre opplysninger

Reisevirksomhet: Noe reisevirksomhet må påregnes
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Fagsjef plan, land and environment-Regional Development DepartmentThe trade group for the area, plan and the environment are included in the unit for regional development. We are looking for a samfunnsengasjert and knowledgeable head of research group with an interest in the development of the region, the municipalities and their own employees. The position is available from 01.09.2015.The trade group for the area, plan and the environment is made up of about 20 competent staff that handles a wide range of development and administrative tasks for the planning and building law, cultural heritage law and water regulation, including regional and municipal planning, cultural heritage and indigenous issues, water management, spatial planning, local community development, climate and environmental and resource management and map systems (GIS). Research group work as an advisor in various plan questions in close cooperation with the municipalities. Subjects to help boss develop the County Council's work within this broad field in line with the political decisions and guidance document.Work tasksProfessional management responsibilities for the areas of planning, land issues, climate and environmental work as well as the cultural heritageContribute to Sør-Trøndelag County Council takes a clear and coordinated role in the work of regional development. Motivate for and contribute to regional development through cooperation and relationship building externally and internallyFollow up of political issues on the plan/area/environment/cultural heritage fieldQualificationsRelevant higher education; lawyer/social scientist or l.Relevant management experience from the knowledge organization; including the economy and personal responsibilityGood knowledge of the relevant legislation; among other things, planning and building law and cultural heritage lawExperience with public proceedings and political processesExperience from strategic development work, plan and process managementICT basis knowledge and understanding for the public documentation requirementsPersonal characteristicsGood understanding of political processes; interaction policy-administration-subjectsSociable and inclusive working form with the ability to communicate clearlyStrategic and analyticalGood ability to interact, build relationships and develop networkGood ability to promote creativity and innovationWe offerSalary after appointment and good insurance and retirement plansGreat freedom and room for maneuver within own area of responsibilityGood head support from internal services in the County AdministrationAmbitious and stimulating working team in a knowledge organization with meaningful tasksThe opportunity to influence and contribute to the social development in an exciting and development-oriented CountyOther informationTravel business: some travel business must be expected
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Chief Advisor plan, land and environment - Regional Development
Research Group area, plan and environment contained unit for regional development. We are looking for a socially engaged and knowledgeable leader of the research group with an interest in the development of the region, municipalities and employees. The position is available from 01/09/2015. Panel for Land, Planning and Environment Committee consists of approximately 20 skilled employees who handle a wide range of development and administration tasks for Planning and Building Act, the Cultural Heritage Act and Water Regulations, including regional and municipal planning, cultural heritage and Sami issues, water management, land use planning, community development, climate change and environmental and resource management and mapping systems (GIS). Panel acts as an advisor in various planning issues in close cooperation with local authorities. Chief Advisor will help develop county's work within this broad area in line with the policy decisions and management document. Responsibilities Academic management responsibilities for areas planning, land use, climate and environmental and cultural heritage Contribute to the Sør-Trøndelag County Council takes a clear and coordinated role in with regional development. Motivate and contribute to regional development through cooperation and relationship building externally and internally Monitoring of Political Affairs on plan / land / environmental / cultural heritage field Qualifications Relevant higher education; lawyer / social scientist, etc. Relevant management experience from knowledge organization; including finance and personnel responsibilities Good knowledge of relevant legislation; including the Planning and Building Act and the Cultural Heritage Act Experience with public administration and political processes Experience of strategic development, planning and process management ICT basic knowledge and understanding of public documentation required Personal qualities Good understanding of political processes; interaction policy management sciences Sociable and inclusive working with ability to communicate clearly Strategic and analytical Good ability to interact, build relationships and develop networks Good ability to promote creativity and innovation We offer Salary according to agreement and good insurance and pension Large freedom and leeway within their areas of responsibility Good managerial support from internal services in county administration Ambitious and stimulating working community in a knowledge organization with meaningful tasks Ability to influence and contribute to social development in an exciting and development oriented county Other information Travel activity: Some travel will be required

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Elite therapist and In plan, area and environment - Regional development division
Group of specialists for the area, plan and the environment are included in Unit for regional development.

We are searching for a samfunnsengasjert and knowledgeable leader for specifications with interest for the development of the region, local councils and their own employees. Position is available from 01:09 2015.

Group of specialists for the area,Planning and the environment consists of approximately 20 competent professionals who handles a wide range of development and had no clue about what management efforts after Plan and bygningsloven, with and Vannforskriften, including regional and city planning, cultural heritage and the Saami questions, vannforvaltning, land-use planning, lokalsamfunnsutvikling, climate and environment and resource management and online system provides an easy way (GIS).Temperature acts as adviser in various planspørsmål in close cooperation with the municipalities. Discipline leader concluded to contribute to develop fylkeskommunens work within this broad field in accordance with political decisions and-level guidance document.


Professional since joining for areas planning, arealspørsmål, climate and environmental as well as cultural relics
Contribute to the Sør-Trøndelag county council takes a clear and coordinated role in working with regional development. Motivate for and contribute to regional development through cooperation and build relationships internally and externally
Follow-up of political affairs on plan/area/environment/kulturminnefeltet

Relevant higher education; lawyer/samfunnsviter electric l.
Relevant leadership experience from kunnskapsorganisasjon; including financial and personnel responsibility for raising
good knowledge of relevant legislation, including schedule and bygningsloven and with
experience with public consideration and political processes
experience of strategic development, planning and prosessledelse
IKT foundation and understanding of public documentation requirements
Personal characteristics

Good understanding of political processes; interaction policy management subjects
personable and welcoming excursions with the ability to communicate clearly
Strategic and analytical
Good ability to interact, build relationships and develop networks
Good ability to promote creativity and innovation
we offer

Salary after agreement and good insurance and retirement plans
Great freedom and act within your own area of responsibility
Good lederstøtte from internal services from the county administration
Ambitious and stimulating working in a kunnskapsorganisasjon with meaningful tasks
ability to influence and contribute to society in an exciting and utviklingsorientert county
Other information

Travel restrictions: No travel required for
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