Mapping Authority 3507 HØNEFOSS Mapping Authority Norway will meet the requirements for geographic information and public property information, and registration authority for the country. Mapping Authority headquarters at Hønefoss. We also have eleven county map offices, one sjødivisjon in Stavanger, a customer center in Ullensvang in Hardanger and a ground observatory in Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard. Mapping Authority's core values are inclusive, competent, open, reliable and committed. Geomatics Expert ( 2677801873) Geomatics Expert in Kartografiseksjonen - Mapping Authority Will you help to develop kartografimiljøet in Mapping Authority? Reconcile and management of map databases are central to the construction of the national spatial data infrastructure. We looking for people who are passionate about the subject and want to be involved in developments in the use of modern surveying methods and efficient production tools. The position is part of Kartografiseksjonen which has 24 enthusiastic employees. Work place Hønefoss. The position is associated with a variety of tasks that require greater expertise in geomatics, databases and programming. The tasks will be adapted to the qualifications of the appointee. Kartografiseksjonen belongs Land division and the division's main task is to manage map databases N50-N5000 map data and topographical main map series Norway 1:50 000 / M711. Section's production trail is mainly based on ArcGIS and FME. Using ArcObjects- and Python programming course adapted and partly automated. section manages 6 nationwide map databases with information about the scroll. terrain, buildings and transport. Map databases called N50 map data, map data N250, N500 map data, map data N1000, N2000 and N5000 Map Data Map Data. N50 Map data is adapted a scale of 1:50 000, N250 Map data is adapted scale of 1: 250,000, etc. To N5000 map data adapted scale of 1: 5,000,000. The main topographic map series Norway 1: 50 000 (M711), comprises 727 map sheets as covering the whole country. 60 map sheets are updated annually. Updating is mainly based on the N50 map data as a source, but it is also used data from charts and from neighboring countries in border areas. Responsibilities Participate in the development of production runs in the art establishment, management and updating of geographic information in the databases Production of customized geospatial Ability to teamwork in a sometimes busy working accessibility of geographic information via network services and downloading Qualifications University / college, master's / bachelor's degree Relevant experience can compensate for lack of education updated knowledge and practical skills related GIS tools • Knowledge and experience in IT Good basic knowledge of databases and Programming Experience with analysis of geographic information geography and map skills are an advantage Utdanningsretning Geomatics IT Cartography Education College / University Graduate / Masters Personal qualities of ideas, quality conscious and results-oriented Ability to share knowledge Self and structured with good interpersonal skills We offer Interesting work in a modern business working to deliver fresh, quality data, be a driving force for both the increased use of spatial data and that the data should be readily available good opportunities for courses and competence Salary senior engineer, code 1087 or senior engineer, code 1181 for qualifications money scheme and loans through the state pension Pleasant working environment and a vibrant professional community Flexitime and summer / winter The public workforce as far as possible reflect the diversity of the population. It is therefore a goal for Mapping Authority to achieve a balanced workforce in terms of age, background, disability and gender Mapping Authority is IA business. Arrangements will as far as possible be adapted for people with disabilities work: Kartverksveien 21, 3507 Hønefoss Contact Info: Kristoffer Kristiansen, Head, 32 11 82 15/915 82 052 Signy Berge, 32 11 81 02/932 28 873 Key information: Advertiser: Mapping Authority Ref. No .: 2677801873 Stillingsbrøk: 100% Fixed Number of positions: 1 For online application form: [Click here] Deadline: 23/08/2015 Position Number: 0605-2015-07-24 (Announced at contact NAV) Source: NAV Service Work Ringerike Employment Type Permanent Position, Full of Positions 1 Deadline 08/23/2015 Last publication date 23/08/2015 Joined 14.07.2015 Click here to register your CV and apply for positions. WebCruiter ID makes your life easier! WebCruiter ID allows you to easily manage your CV and applications at all WebCruiter customers. Regards WebCruiter If the link above does not work, copy this link into the address bar of your browser:
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